operating system for energy storage

battery storage energy management

An Energy Management System (EMS) gathers, assesses, and displays data instantaneously while actively regulating energy distribution. Serving as a fundamental component for future energy applications, an energy management system intelligently oversees and manages diverse energy resources in residential, commercial, or industrial settings.

Numerous businesses acquire software mistakenly believing it to be an energy management system; however, this is not the case. The primary objective should be energy conservation, a concept that often tends to slip one's mind. While checklists, processes, auditing, and software are crucial components, their ultimate purpose within an EMS is to achieve energy savings. Ultimately, the success of an EMS predominantly relies on effective people management.

An energy management system (EMS) is a structure designed for energy users, such as industrial, commercial, and public sector establishments, to regulate and control their energy consumption. It assists organizations in identifying prospects for embracing and enhancing energy-efficient technologies, even ones that may not entail significant financial investment. Specialized knowledge and training of personnel are typically necessary for the successful implementation of an EMS in the majority of instances.

As per the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an energy management system encompasses the creation and execution of an energy policy, establishment of attainable energy consumption objectives, and formulation of action plans to achieve them while monitoring progress. This may entail the adoption of innovative energy-efficient technologies, reduction of energy wastage, or enhancement of existing processes to minimize energy expenses.

An energy management system (EMS) refers to a computer-assisted set of tools utilized by individuals operating electric utility grids. Its purpose is to monitor, regulate, and enhance the efficiency of either the generation or transmission system. Additionally, it can be employed in smaller systems such as microgrids.

With the decline in cost-effectiveness of proprietary systems, EMS suppliers started offering solutions that relied on industry standard hardware platforms, such as those provided by Digital Equipment (later Compaq and then HP), IBM, and Sun. During that period, the prevailing operating systems were either DEC OpenVMS or Unix. By the year 2004, different suppliers of EMS such as Alstom, ABB, and OSI had initiated the provision of solutions based on the Windows operating system. Subsequently, by 2006, customers were provided with the option of selecting systems based on UNIX, Linux, or Windows. Several suppliers, such as ETAP, NARI, PSI-CNI, and Siemens, still provide solutions based on UNIX. It has become a prevalent practice for suppliers to incorporate UNIX-based solutions on either the Sun Solaris or IBM platform. More modern EMS systems that utilize blade servers take up significantly less space compared to previous versions. As an illustration, a blade rack containing 20 servers occupies approximately the same amount of space as a single MicroVAX server did in the past.

Grid Scale Battery Storage

The EMS system arranges this data in a manner that allows for easy visualization of energy usage according to specific locations such as plants, warehouses, offices, or stores. Consequently, tracking changes over time and generating regular reports for all stakeholders becomes a straightforward task.

The energy management system takes into account current data, such as the output of solar panels on the roof, the condition of the battery, and the amount of electricity being consumed. It also considers external information, like the cost of electricity at a given moment or weather predictions. This allows the EMS to make informed choices about when to charge or discharge the battery, when to utilize locally-generated solar power or draw from the grid, and how to continuously enhance energy management strategies in line with the three D's of the modern energy age - digitization, decarbonization, and decentralization.

An Energy Management System (EMS) offers live monitoring, analysis of data, measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs), and visualization of energy usage and efficiency improvements. This allows for better-informed decision-making, leading to enhanced efficiency, increased sustainability, and optimized performance throughout an entire facility.

Grid Scale Battery Storage

Large Scale Energy Storage

The scope of EMS encompasses the entirety of integrated building systems and sources of data. These frequently encompass utility invoices, weather information, facility-related data, advanced metering infrastructure, automation systems for buildings, utility control systems, distributed energy resources, internet-of-things devices, charging stations for electric vehicles, and geographic information systems.

Energy management systems (EMS) are a diverse and swiftly developing collection of software tools that oversee, assess, and regulate the energy consumption and performance of buildings. Every implementation of EMS consists of three key components—capabilities, extent, and arrangement. This combination comprises a collection of equipment, data services, and software applications that consolidate facility information and enhance energy efficiency within a building, campus, or organization. The fourth component, operations, encompasses the individuals, organizational procedures, and suggested activities for effectively utilizing an EMS.

The Energy Management System (EMS) starter kit offered by UNIDO offers leadership teams a comprehensive perspective on the purpose and benefits of an EMS within your organization. This kit includes valuable input from UNIDO's international specialists, along with external resources such as suggested readings, real-life examples, instructional materials, and technical guides. Access the Energy Management System starter kit provided by UNIDO via download at this location.

lifecycle services asset performance

Energy management relies on a solid educational basis, which yields the best results when it is integrated into the curriculum from early grades in school up to higher education. However, until this becomes widespread, it is crucial for businesses, institutions, and workplaces to incorporate energy efficiency training as a part of their employee onboarding process in order to foster a culture of sustainable energy practices among all individuals. Illustrative demonstrations can be showcased; measuring units can be employed to indicate both the ecological and monetary ramifications, thus generating initial consciousness and subsequently prompting alterations in behavior. Encouraging widespread participation in this endeavor constitutes the fundamental basis for effective energy management, in line with the concepts of enhancing energy performance as emphasized in ISO 50001.

An energy management system addresses the complexities of business by providing a unified interface that brings together different energy operations into one cohesive platform. This centralized access point simplifies tasks by optimizing the monitoring, control, and integration of data for various energy assets. Obtaining immediate knowledge about energy consumption, automating control strategies, and generating consolidated reports all contribute to enhancing decision-making and resource optimization. The Energy Management System (EMS) promotes collaboration among energy assets through its ability to communicate across different sectors. Additionally, the EMS streamlines user proficiency by reducing training requirements for all parties involved, especially end users.

An Energy Management System (EMS) provides users with a variety of advantages, with one of the primary benefits being significant reductions in energy expenses. For instance, in a residential setting, individuals have the ability to charge their electric vehicles and batteries during periods of high photovoltaic generation or when electricity prices are minimal, resulting in substantial savings. Additionally, they have the ability to minimize electricity usage during periods of expensive spikes in consumption, leading to substantial cost savings on power bills.

lifecycle services asset performance
Energy Storage Software
Energy Storage Software

The EMS stack comprises various components, including devices, data services, and applications, which are tailored to cater to the user's requirements. The specific composition of the stack may vary based on the implementation of the EMS.

FlexGen's Energy Management System (EMS) software gathers energy data, conducts a comparison of these metrics across different locations, and assesses their effectiveness in relation to industry benchmarks. The software is capable of connecting to the gas and electricity markets, enabling it to procure daily pricing information from key energy indices. Additionally, it aids in budget oversight and the ability to forecast energy expenses.

Regularly observe the operational capability of the system and dynamically assess the equilibrium between system generation and load forecast.

Large Scale Battery Storage

With the aid of real-time visualization of energy data, they are able to promptly identify alerts and continually optimize consumption, resulting in improved speed and efficiency.

By utilizing Flexgen's resilient EMS, organizations can successfully merge the demands of secure, long-lasting, and competitive IT infrastructures with their environmental goals.

Engage in an interactive demonstration to witness firsthand how the METRON Energy Management Solution can revolutionize your organization.

Large Scale Battery Storage

Frequently Asked Questions

FlexGen's utility-scale energy storage solutions are innovative in their hardware-agnostic approach, allowing integration with a broad range of hardware providers. This flexibility, combined with their advanced HybridOS software, enables optimized performance, resilience, and scalability in energy storage, catering to diverse needs in the energy sector.

FlexGen's HybridOS software is designed to maximize the reliability and intelligence of battery storage systems. It offers features like advanced control modes, active protection, remote monitoring, and analytics, ensuring that energy storage systems operate efficiently and reliably even under challenging conditions.

Yes, FlexGen's energy storage solutions are capable of integration with renewable energy sources. Their HybridOS software enables the management of hybrid systems, combining solar, wind, and storage facilities, thus facilitating a smoother transition to renewable energy.

FlexGen enhances grid resilience and stability through its advanced energy storage solutions and HybridOS software. These systems provide critical grid services, such as frequency regulation, peak shaving, and demand charge reduction, thereby contributing to a more stable and resilient energy grid.

FlexGen prioritizes safety and cybersecurity in its energy storage systems. The HybridOS software complies with NERC CIP protocols, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures. Additionally, the system includes integrated controls for fire detection, prevention, and suppression, along with proactive sensory system alerts for enhanced safety.